14 CD Revolutions, the Best Boat Name, a Treatise on Snow Globes, and Boring Contemplations on Fruit

14 CD Revolutions, the Best Boat Name, a Treatise on Snow Globes, and Boring Contemplations on Fruit

In which Reed returns to his childhood home for the summer and we contemplate the midway point in his college career. We respond to a listener’s questions, incorporated into our regular 10-question format. This wide ranging conversation hits on all of the most important topics, including various music references, classic books, Bert & Ernie, and also several boring pauses. Stick with it, though. You’ll learn something. Probably. Also, keep listening to hear the pun that slays Reed, and then hear how he recovers to provide a lesson on constitutional law. Oh, and you get to hear how brand new drum mics sound while being used for vocals.

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